About Us

At Manon ABA, we use the most effective, evidence-based therapy to bring about enduring transformations in the lives of our clients.  We are committed to delivering top-tier services for children and young adolescents diagnosed with autism and other developmental disabilities.  

From the moment we begin therapy, our mission is to increase our client’s quality of life through furthering their independence, communication skills, social skills, emotional regulation skills, and self-management skills among others.

At Manon ABA, we work with your child in their home and community settings so that the progress your child makes most effectively generalizes to the areas where they live their daily lives.  We also advocate for a comprehensive team approach to ensure our clients have access to tailored services that address their unique needs.  

Manon ABA is committed to upholding the ethical standards set forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.  

Manon ABA places an emphasis on honoring the children and teenagers we work with as unique individuals with their own desires, hopes, and ideas of what it means to have a “higher quality of life”.

“We change the lives of the children and the families we work with one big little-step at a time!”

-Jacqueline Lazootin, Founder of Manon ABA

Start the adventure today.